Leah Dizon watching Harry Potter

Even a big artist like Leah Dizon is influenced by Harry Potter's Magic. Harry Potter new episode "Harry Potter and Hafl Blood Prince" just premiered in Japan on July. As a Harry Potter mania, Leah Dizon absolutey is not going to miss the film.

It is said that Leah Dizon is watching the J.K. Rowling based novel's movie with her friend Emi.

As Leah Dizon wrote on her blog, she was really like and enjoy the Harry Potter.

My God.


I may be slightly biased, but all Harry Potter obsessions, Hogwarts fantasies etc. aside, it really is SO SO SOOOO great.
I went with my friend Emi, who is also a big fan of the books and we were talking about it the whole way home.
It's kind of sad really ... the beginning of the end and all.

I like 'em all, but this one is ... Well, you won't be disappointed.

Check it out!

leah dizon harry potter

leah dizon harry potter


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